Introducing Quick Reviews


I’m introducing a new type of blog post under the label of quick reviews. My goal is to write down brief thoughts about the media that I consume, short enough that the entire contents of each post can appear on the main blog page. Keeping it short incentivizes me to do it more often, because I don’t have the pressure to write a lot.

The contents are what I would post on my Storygraph and Letterboxd profiles, but as I become increasingly disillusioned against the world of tech capitalism, I’m trying to own my data as much as I can. I’ll still use those platforms, but I want my words to belong to me and not live on someone else’s servers.


About Me

Hi! Albert here. Canadian. Chinese.

Writing software since 2001. “Blogging” since 2004. Reading since forever.

You can find me on socials with the links below, or contact me here.