The Shuffler

There was an idea…

The Shuffler

I was building the 404 page for this site and a random idea occurred to me. I know that from a 404 message, you should always link back a valid page, usually the home page, but then I thought it’d be fun to link to a random blog post also.

I came up with a component that scrolls through a random selection of items with an animation like a slot machine. Svelte has some pretty cool features for supporting transitions and animations, so I wanted to learn more about that.


You can play with the final result here.

As a TODO for myself, maybe I’ll extract this as a reusable component and publish it.


About Me

Hi! Albert here. Canadian. Chinese.

Writing software since 2001. “Blogging” since 2004. Reading since forever.

You can find me on socials with the links below, or contact me here.